Welcome back to The Market Pulse, your weekly dose of financial wisdom and wit. Today, we're turning our attention to the AI chip arena, where a fascinating drama is unfolding. Nvidia, the current champion, is basking in the limelight, fueled by the insatiable demand from tech titans like Microsoft and...
The End of Just-In-Time Manufacturing as we Know It Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing was initiated in the 1950s and 1960s by Toyota. The approach was developed as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), which aimed to minimize waste and improve efficiency in manufacturing processes.  The concept of JIT revolves around producing...
Every once in a while, word gets out about a looming shortage of a certain--usually niche--commodity. Natural resource companies, both large and small, then quickly “pivot” to said commodity, and the next thing you know a surge of investment interest and, frequently, commodity bubbles quickly follow. It’s a script that...
When we think about infrastructure, roads, bridges and transportation facilities immediately come to mind. The Biden Administration is currently investing $220 Billion in over 32,000 projects in 4,500 communities according to a report in USA Today. It’s the largest focused infrastructure investment since the days of FDR. Key current infrastructure...
The $1.5 trillion health and wellness market is exploding, and even Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are diving in head first The biggest demographics in the world are pushing a megatrend at the crossroads of the $1.5-trillion wellness market … The growth prospects are explosive, and they soar around one simple...
2023 has been a slow year for IPOs, due largely to tightening monetary policies and a slowdown of global economic growth according to a report issued by Ernst & Young. While the IPO landscape is quiet at the moment, it is believed that IPO activity will pick up once...
Auto giants around the world are gearing up to pour over half a trillion dollars into EV and battery technology initiatives. In order to meet the high North American demand, new lithium sources must be secured and brought online. This provides clarity as to why lithium prices are up...
Imagine driving a car that runs clean, and emits pure water from its exhaust pipe. That’s the promise that hydrogen offers as a fuel source, and these vehicles may be commercially available sooner than you think.Hydrogen as a Green Energy Source Hydrogen is often considered a green energy source when...
Never before has the risk-reward thesis for critical minerals been more tantalizing.  Rare earth metals have been one of the best hiding places for investors amid a steep market sell-off prompted by fears of global recession, a raging Russian war in Ukraine, a complex regime of sanctions and sky-high energy...
Phase Two of the $700B electric vehicle boom—the electric boat rush—is becoming just as crowded as its four-wheeled predecessor, with so many start-ups dotting this landscape it’s dizzying.  Loads of debt, problems getting into production, far-off delivery dates that make revenues a thing of the distant future—if at all—and failures-to-deliver...