Millennials have been labeled many things: lazy, entitled, narcissistic among other unflattering terms. They have also been accused of being highly risk-averse, preferring flashy investments like crypto over slow-n-steady deliverables such as stocks and bonds. More recently, though, millennials have busted this stereotype.  Last year, they became the largest living adult...
Globalization, the megatrend spawned by the physical connectivity of every corner of the world and solidified by digital connectivity, has once again come into sharp focus thanks to recent events such as Brexit, trade wars and the Trump administration’s effort to disrupt global supply chains controlled by China.  Yet, globalization...
2023 has been a slow year for IPOs, due largely to tightening monetary policies and a slowdown of global economic growth according to a report issued by Ernst & Young. While the IPO landscape is quiet at the moment, it is believed that IPO activity will pick up once...
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have used the science of biotechnology extensively in the food industry, especially in fermentation techniques for brewing and cheese-making. But what began as recipes for food production has evolved into technologies to enhance everything from farming to pharmaceuticals, with modern biotechnology largely dealing...
The year 2020 is so far proving to be another bumper year for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency bulls. After a worrying slump following the global stock market crash in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as of end-July 2020, Bitcoin had staged a quick recovery to cross the $11k mark...
Over the past 2 years Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been hammered as investors headed toward the exits. Major brokers were in flux in 2022 when Binance refused to buy out Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX exchange. Some experts warned that Bitcoin could fall as low as $9,000. Simply put, the Bitcoin...
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered massive panic selling from February through March, killing the oldest bull market in stocks, while the economy collapsed into a deep recession. Quick and decisive action by the Fed to lower interest rates and inject the market with more cash as well as provide a huge...
The COVID-19 crisis has packed a big wallop to the global economy that will likely be felt for years to come. Back in June, the World Bank sounded the alarm that the crisis was likely to plunge the economy into the worst recession since WWII. The dire warning has...
Big Pharma companies have built empires out of human pain without managing to come close to addressing the number one cause of disability in the world: Depression, a disease that costs the economy a trillion dollars in lost production every year.  But while Big Pharma is turning over billions in...
Forget the high-flying tech darlings that often steal the spotlight. This week, we're shining a light on the heroes of the AI revolution – the companies that might seem dull but are actually powering the future. We're talking data centers, construction firms, and even utility companies – those steady, reliable...