Helium is used to cool magnets in MRI machines. When we think of helium, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is birthday balloons, but the applications for this gas go much deeper. And the demand for helium is increasing year over year. In 2023, the Helium Market is projected...
With global demand rising for Lithium, Chile is positioning itself as the dominant market leader in the mining and distribution of the critical component for the EV battery movement. The government of Chile announced in April that it planned to nationalize its lithium industry, following a move made previously in...
In today’s environment of high inflation and rising interest rates, many U.S. consumers are struggling to make ends meet. Housing and rent costs are at unprecedented highs, and credit card debt recently surpassed $1 trillion dollars. Sky high interests are causing billions of dollars in losses as loans fall...
In an era where technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, semiconductors remain at the heart of innovation, powering everything from smartphones to electric vehicles and smart home devices.  Here at Global Investment Daily we know that there are smart investors looking to dive into this vital sector without...
The last decade provided a pretty wild yet exciting ride for exchange-traded funds (ETFs). From the ETF industry crossing the $4B mark in AUM (assets under management) and the meteoric rise of ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) investing to the SEC approving the first-ever non-transparent, actively managed ETFs last...
As the second most abundant element in the Universe behind only hydrogen, it’s ironic--and somewhat maddening--that helium is also one of the rarest elements on earth. In our atmosphere, helium occupies just 5.2 parts per million (ppm), earning the designation of a ‘rare’ gas thanks to one of its...