In the race to build a new generation of electric vehicles, the demand for certain rare earth minerals has skyrocketed.  Two critical rare earth minerals are Germanium and Gallium, and China is the largest supplier of these minerals. We covered the industrial applications of these minerals in a recent Global...
In the global rush to produce Electric Vehicles, many battery manufacturers have relied on cobalt to improve the performance of batteries. Cobalt has a wide variety of industrial applications 1.       Aerospace and Defense: Cobalt-based alloys are used in jet engines and gas turbine components due to their high-temperature...
Until you start looking at less obvious corners of the electric vehicle world, you won’t find many companies that aren’t either bleeding cash at a fatal rate or giving up market share to the combustion giants who have lit a fire under their hoods to chase a trillion-dollar industry. As...
Companies around the world are scrambling to secure the stockpiles of Germanium and Gallium they need after China announced they were curbing exports of the niche metals in their national defense interests. Germanium and Gallium are vital metals with multiple industrial applications. GERMANIUM Germanium has several industrial applications due to its unique...
In the global race to supply EV batteries, a critical component in the manufacturing process is graphite. Graphite plays a crucial role in the production of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. It is used in the battery's anode, which is the electrode through which the current flows into the battery during...
With global demand rising for Lithium, Chile is positioning itself as the dominant market leader in the mining and distribution of the critical component for the EV battery movement. The government of Chile announced in April that it planned to nationalize its lithium industry, following a move made previously in...
Worldwide demand for copper is steadily on the rise, spurred by trillions of dollars being invested in new infrastructure spending projects, and Argentina is vying to become a major player in this sector. Traditionally, global copper mining has been dominated by Chile, Peru, China, the United States and Australia.  According to...
The price of gold has skyrocketed over the past few months, moving up from $1,600 to over $2,000 per ounce, in increase of 25 percent.  With the recent turmoil in the banking industry, cryptocurrencies and continued inflationary pressure, investors are flocking to gold as a safe haven. As the price of...
In a surprise move that shocked global markets, Chile, which has about 40% of the world’s known lithium reserves, announced it was proposing a plan to nationaliize production of the rare earth metal - a key component in EV battery production. Almost immediately, lithium mining stocks nose-dived. Albemarle Corp (ABM)...
The global demand for Lithium is red hot. According to Reuters, the Global demand for Lithium batteries alone is expected to leap five-fold by 2030, driven by the purchase of electric vehicles and energy storage systems. As Electric Vehicles (EVs) continue to proliferate across the United States, the Biden Administration...