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Lithium 2.0 is all about North America and some of the biggest new discoveries in the world. 

While this may be against the backdrop of bad times for lithium stocks overall, it has actually created a situation in which lithium companies are significantly undervalued, yet of critical importance to our energy transition future. 

That makes for the best buying opportunity in this space in years. 

And the best of the best opportunities, where the risk-reward ratio is the most potentially rewarding for investors, are found in the juniors who make big discoveries, particularly in lithium-starved North America. 

Canadian based EMP Metals Corp (CSE:EMPS) (OTCQB: EMPPF) has gained significant traction over the past three quarters, testing the highest  lithium concentrations in a brine in Canada to-date, attracting one of the biggest names in battery metals financing, and gearing up for pilot production in the first-quarter of 2024. From here on out, the news pace is expected to be fast and intense for this first-mover lithium explorer in Canada’s high-profile Saskatchewan mining hub. 

Five Reasons to Invest in EMP Metals Corp. right now: 

#1 >200,000 Acres in 3 Key Project Areas in Mining-Friendly Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is one of the most important lithium hubs in North America, and in energy transition terms, it’s a vital critical minerals venue of national security urgency to both the U.S. and Canada. It’s awash with everything from lithium and graphite to nickel, cobalt, aluminum and manganese. And it’s a long-time high-producing area for uranium, potash and helium. 

Despite its critical mineral abundance, Saskatchewan still has vast areas that are underexplored. 

EMP Metals has over 200,000 acres here in the most advantageous area of the South Saskatchewan’s Williston Basin: The Duperow formation, which is fast becoming the flashpoint for North American battery metals. 

While explorers have been descending upon two separate formations here—Duperow and Leduc—the advantage goes to the former because of its generally higher grades of lithium and shallower drilling depths, which in turn allow for operating cost advantages in the quicker to production direct lithium extraction (DLE) scenario compared to hard rock mining. 

* compiled using publicly available data, company press releases and SEDAR+ filings

Duperow is a higher-margin play, and EMPS is taking full advantage of this and moving swiftly, with the latest test flows enough to push this junior player over the lithium edge.   

But this isn’t the run-of-the-mill junior lithium exploration story …

Two major developments have combined very recently to make this one of the most captivating North American lithium projects of the year …

#2 One of the Highest-Grade Lithium Drills in Canadian History

EMPS has already completed its NI 43-101 Inferred Resources Assessment for its Mansur and Viewfield areas, and the results are some of the most remarkable in the lithium space. 

More to the point, we’re looking at lithium concentrations that are among the highest on record in Canada. 

Viewfield and Mansur tested up to 259 mg/L and 148 mg/L respectively, lithium in brine.  The preliminary assessment confirmed a high-quality Inferred Resource of 1.2 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) at a weighted average grade of 143 mg/L.

For both Mansur and Viewfield areas, which includes 152 sections, EMPS is looking at a total of over 1.8 million tonnes of LCE (gross). 

To put these concentrations into perspective, the 259 mg/L EMPS tested at Viewfield is the highest concentration among explorers in the Leduc/Duperow Lithium area, and among the highest on record in North America.  

#3 New Strategic Investor Validates Assets

The fact that this is a massive, ~200,000-acre play with an inferred resource of 1.2-million-tonne LCE  testing at impressively high grades has now netted EMP Metals a new strategic investor that changes everything. 

On November 1, after six months of the type of heavy-handed due diligence investors like to see, London-based Tembo Capital private equity group took a 19.9% stake in EMP Metals, gaining a seat on the board to steward their investment. 

Tembo Capital invests in and supports mining companies currently in the evaluation, development and production phases, providing capital to bring discoveries into production, to expand existing production or to acquire assets.

The deal shored up EMP Metals’ accounts with $9,757,600, as well as expertise from a private equity group focused on sustainable natural resources and clean energy metals, with an impressive track record of identifying and supporting the best emerging resource companies.

This isn’t Tembo’s first big hedge on a junior battery metals explorer. 

Since 2021, after raising $380 million for its third mining fund, Tembo has been increasing its mining bets in North America, eyeing critical battery metals. That same year, Tembo took a 50% stake in Cherish Metals, in partnership with U.S.-based Black Mountain Metals, to advance the Lanfranchi nickel mine in Western Australia. Tembo took a 34.6% stake in US-based copper developer Arizona Sonoran (TSX:ASCU; OTC:ASCUF), along with giant Rio Tinto, in 2022. 

“You have to be quite selective,” Tembo Capital’s CEO David Street told Northern Miner in 2021. “We look at probably hundreds of assets a year, but we’ve got a good team of people here, with three geologists, a couple of mining engineers, a metallurgist. So, we do screen a lot of things, and we’re very selective. We’re probably making, on average, two or three investments a year. We do a high level of due diligence on the companies we invest in,” Street said.

Saskatchewan, and the Duperow formation in particular, is the place to be for North American lithium, and while junior explorers are rushing to this scene, EMP Metals passed the Tembo selection, with high grades, the best lithium well drill yet in Canada and its plans to use DLE, a more environmentally sustainable method while producing lithium at faster speeds with high recovery rates.  

In a further boost of confidence for investors, Karl Kottmeier and Craig Foggo, Tembo’s Investment Director since 2014, will now be joining the board of directors.  Both bring over 20 years of  experience in the mining industry, ranging from operations, finance and administration. 

EMP Metals CEO, Rob Gamley, stated, “The fact that these successful industry participants agreed to join our Board is another significant endorsement of our Saskatchewan lithium brine projects.  As we advance our PEA and pilot production plans their extensive background with mining operations, finance and capital markets will bring significant strategic guidance that is integral to the Company’s growth.”  

Adding to the optimizing news flow, on November 20, EMP Metals announced a new COO for the team. Paul Schubach, P Eng. spent over ten years for $11-billion-market-cap Mosaic Potash (NYSE:MOS), working onsite at its Mosaic Potash Belle Plaine, the world’s largest potash solution mine. He brings 12 years of top-dollar diversified engineering experience to add shareholder value. 

#4 The Next Big Push: Pilot Production in 2024

With all their ducks in order, one of the biggest names in battery metals, a new world-class board member and a new COO joining EMP right from a $11B market cap mining company, EMP Metals is ready to take off. 

After consulting with several direct lithium extraction (DLE) service providers, in early Q4, EMP Metals selected their two preferred, with ongoing brine testing  at both. They’ve also consulted with three CRC (concentration, refinement, and crystallization) providers, and are running a detailed evaluation of the preferred provider proposal.

The engineering partner has already been selected in the form of Sproule Associates Limited, with resource to be developed by multi-lateral horizontal wells of shallow depths from 1500-3000 meters.

By the first quarter of next year, EMP Metals plans to have its field pilot plant up and running and is in the process of acquiring the DLE permit, with Viewfield evaluation to continue in the first two quarters of the New Year.   

At the beginning of the year, we should see EMP Metals start drilling horizontal wells to test for flow rates and pressures in multiple zones, and we expect that all the while they will continue new land acquisitions.

This is a fast-moving plan of action that all leads up to the coup de grace: A commercial pilot plant by the first quarter of 2025—just over a year from now.

EMP Metals is currently evaluating proposals for the DLE commercial plant, based on lithium concentration, impurity removal, CAPEX/OPEX costs, availability and guarantees of scale of production.

At the same time, drilling will continue with multilateral horizontal wells in the higher concentration Upper Wymark zones, continually building on EMP Metals’ high-grade hits to date. 

#5 Junior Discoveries Are Key for the North American Supply Chain

On the mining scene, and particularly deep in the battery metals playing field, the speculative junior explorers have the potential to offer investors the biggest rewards, for investors with the necessary risk appetite.

In the case of EMP Metals, we’ve already got high-grade test results that break Canadian records for lithium drill holes. We’ve got a huge play in one of the most advantageous mining and metals hubs, Saskatchewan. This play is highlighted by shallower drilling depths and projects that are amenable to direct lithium extraction which offers  a faster cheaper, and more sustainable process than traditional hard-rock lithium mining.

With concentrations up to 259 mg/L, the economic drivers on this one are stronger than usual for a junior play, and investor confidence is buoyed in the aftermath of the 19.9% stake acquisition by a global name in battery metals financing—Tembo Capital, which is also brining on an industry veteran to serve as a board member to help guide this project through to a successful production scenario.  


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Who Will Come Out on Top in the North American Lithium Race? https://globalinvestmentdaily.com/who-will-come-out-on-top-in-the-north-american-lithium-race/ https://globalinvestmentdaily.com/who-will-come-out-on-top-in-the-north-american-lithium-race/#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 13:30:00 +0000 https://globalinvestmentdaily.com/?p=851 This metal is perhaps the most important on the planet right now…And everyone is rushing to secure supply.

But one North American miner may be positioned ahead of the pack, and poised for oversized returns as a result.

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With EV sales set to triple by 2026 and auto giants committing tens of billions of dollars in a massive push to boost battery production for American EVs, the race to the finish line for new lithium supplies will help define this space in 2023. 

The defining venues for North America will be the U.S. northwest and Canada, where explorers are starting to return impressive drilling results that could set the stage for the next phase of lithium supply. This is paramount to meeting soaring demand. 

That’s why lithium mining stocks have been flying. 

Patriot Battery Metals Inc (TSX:PMET) is up over 174% year-to-date… 

Lithium Ionic Corp (CVE:LTH) has gained nearly 60% in the same time period, and Lithium Bank Resources Corp (CVE:LBNK) is up over 31% …

Lithium Americas Corp (NYSE:LAC) is up 37% YTD and giant Albemarle (NYSE:ALB) has surged over 22%. 

And now, exploration and development company —EMP Metals Corp (CSE:EMPS) (OTCQB: EMPPF) —has released drilling results that represent the highest-known recorded lithium brine concentrations found in Canada to date, according to the company and based on publicly available data. 

EMP is drilling in Canada’s Saskatchewan, a region quickly becoming one of the biggest rewarders for investors in lithium.

Saskatchewan pretty much offers it all: government support, pre-existing oil and gas infrastructure and expertise, as well as key lithium in formations that are closer to the surface than anything found in Alberta, making it potentially more cost effective to extract. 

Source: EMP Metals

EMP is focused on low-cost, high-impact lithium exploration projects, and the Duperow Formation, where much of the lithium investor attention is now focused, is exactly that. This is where EMP is drilling on over 212,000 acres, holding 37 permits.  

Saskatchewan’s Duperow Formation may be shaping up to be the crown jewel of North America’s lithium future. The Duperow is an extensive reservoir with aquifer support that is laterally equivalent to Alberta’s Leduc Formation. But it has a distinct advantage over the Leduc with significantly higher grades of lithium being discovered in the Duperow.  Further, shallower depths and typically lower concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (“sour gas”) suggest potential for direct lithium extraction approaches which allow for more efficient, economic, and sustainable, production processes compared to evaporation and hard-rock mining.  

2023 Is All About New Lithium Drilling Results

Swab tests on EMP’s 2-22-007-9W2/0 well at Viewfield confirmed high lithium concentrations ranging from 94 to 259 mg/1 within 6 zones targeted for future development within the Duperow Formation:

  • The Wymark E zone tested an average of 220 mg/l from a 3.61 m thick zone with average porosity of 14.2%.   
  • The Wymark D zone tested an average of 259 mg/l from a 10.6 m thick zone with average porosity of 20.4%.   
  • The Wymark C zone tested an average of 167 mg/l from a 10.3 m thick zone with average porosity of 14.1%. 
  • The Wymark B zone tested an average of 97 mg/l from a 16.4 m thick zone with average porosity of 16.2%. 
  • The Wymark A zone tested an average of 94 mg/l from a 8.9 m thick zone with average porosity of 14.0%. 
  • The Saskatoon A zone tested up to 152 mg/l from a 10.6 m thick zone with average porosity of 14.0%. 

In flow tests, all zones showed lithium concentrations ranging from 200-203 mg/L when tested together. 

While these numbers might not mean much to anyone’s who’s not a geologist, when you compare them to other drilling results in Canada to date, it looks like good news for investors. 

According to EMP, to date, the highest concentrations recorded in Canada have come from Saskatchewan and the government’s Midale test well, also in the Duperow Formation, which showed lithium concentrations of 190 mg/L

That means that EMP’s latest lithium brine test results appear to be of higher concentrations than anything previously recorded by the Canadian government. 

Drilling results like this for a new entrant in Canada’s lithium space could help push it to the front of the line. 

The Momentum Keeps Building

Last year, EMP started to gain solid traction with an aggressive drill campaign on its 212,000 acres in Canada’s Saskatchewan region. That early drilling paid off. It’s first test well on its Mansur Permit Area returned impressive concentrations. 

Just two weeks ago, EMP completed the flow test of its second Mansur test well, showing concentrations of up to 148 mg/L. 

So far, EMP is ticking all the right boxes …

It’s a new entrant in the number one region for new lithium exploration in North America—and at a time when the energy transition is all about securing supply and auto giants are desperate for lithium security. 

Tesla plans to triple lithium-ion cell output at its Reno, Nevada gigafactory …

That’s no surprise when you look at Q4 results. Tesla produced over 439,000 vehicles and delivered over 405,000 vehicles, with deliveries surging 40% in 2022 and production soaring 47% YoY.  

Volvo’s electric car sales have tripled despite the rising cost of raw materials, and the auto giant is in advanced talks on possible lithium mining of its own …

Scoring the highest lithium concentrations in Canada to date, could give this stock some significant impetus and investors will be watching what happens next very closely. EMP’s 212,000+ acres could become some of the hottest lithium real estate around. 

Spot prices for lithium carbonate skyrocketed for nearly two years until November last year, surging nearly 12X from early 2021 to November 2022, with demand outpacing supply heavily. It’s meant huge profits for miners. By December, those prices started to decline somewhat, but 2023 is still expected to see high-priced lithium. 

The trick here for new entrants is not betting everything on the present if Lithium prices do ease despite the ongoing supply crunch and strong global EV sales. 

That’s where EMP shines. That’s why EMP is not just drilling fast and aggressively to get to that new supply …

It’s why the company has scooped up so much valuable acreage targeting the Duperow Formation, where direct lithium extraction is possible for lower costs and a more sustainable supply relative to current evaporation and hard-rock mining operations. That’s what makes this a true lithium hotspot. 

With the best drilling results to date in—not just for EMP but for all of Canada—momentum is expected to pick up pace further. 


PAID ADVERTISEMENT. This article is a paid advertisement.  Fortyfive Media and its owners, managers, employees, and assigns (collectively “the Publisher”) is often paid by one or more of the profiled companies or a third party to disseminate these types of communications. In this case, the Publisher has been compensated by EMP Metals Corp. (CSE: EMPS) (OTCQB: EMPPF) to conduct investor awareness advertising and marketing. EMP Metals paid the Publisher to produce and disseminate this article and related banner ads for fifty thousand dollars. This compensation should be viewed as a major conflict with our ability to be unbiased.  

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